5 Myths When Creating a Successful Business

If you’re anything like me, the role of employee left you looking for more in your work, your life, and possibly even questioning your purpose here. You found that day in and day out the life you were living was leaving you feeling unfulfilled, drained and honestly, looking for your next vacation or day off.

I’ve been there, getting up everyday questioning why I was still doing it. Wondering IF and WHEN I should leave. I’m guessing one of the first things you did was figure out exactly what you needed to do to go off on your own and start making money.

Let’s face it. You’re number one goal was to make the money you needed to leave your job and begin living a life all on your own terms.

We’ve all been there, any of us who have taken the risk and started our own business. Looking at others to see how they did it, how they made the money they have, gained the fame and created the success they are now living. I can guess that you’ve even purchased programs to guide you step-by-step to the life that someone else had created.

I’m sure you worked really hard, started your business as fast as you could, started making money, and now what……..?

Is it all you thought it would be? 

Have you created the life you’ve always dreamed of living?


Has the same lack of fulfillment, joy and success creeped back into your life?

If you’re still here now, working your business, striving for your dream life, then I’m willing to guess that life hasn’t become easy, stressless and filled with the long vacations you imagined.

You might even be to the point of asking yourself any or all of these questions:

“Why am I still trying to do this?” 

“Am I really as happy as I should be”?

“Will I ever have my life back as a business owner?”

And you might even be asking yourself:

“Is the money I’m making worth the stress that comes with it?”

Creating a business and a life you love isn’t something that is going to happen over night, and it’s going to look different for everyone. There are no two businesses that look exactly the same, and no business worth it’s weight in gold, was build in a matter of a six week course.

There have been long hours, lots of struggles, many sleepless nights, and lots of second thoughts.

What is possible though, is building a business that not just makes you money, but also allows you to do the things you love, share your abilities with others and create a life that you never need a break from.

In my experience I’ve learned there is way more to building a sustainable and successful business than what I see people posting and trying to convince others they can achieve over night. The key word here is sustainable.

It is certainly possible to build a business that makes a lot of money quickly. But how long does that business last, how much value is that business bringing to others, and how well will that business withstand hardships, struggles and uncertainty?

I’ve learned that there are steps that have to be taken, desires to be determined, and a shift in perspective to make it all come together and to create a business that is going to bring purpose to your life, value to others, and unstoppable success. (Click here to view the 7 steps you need to take to begin to create a purposeful business today.)

I’m going to cover 5 of the biggest myths I’ve seen people build their business around and show you how you can erase them from your mind by adopting new beliefs that will get you energized to begin recreating your business and your life today. Then you can really begin working towards the life you know you deserve.

Myth #1: I just have to start and I’ll figure out the details and structure later.

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve seen a quote that tells you to just start right now with what you want to do and it will all work out as you go. Guilty! I’ve totally posted quotes like this myself, and I really do believe in it. You never have to be 100% ready to do something new or try something different.

However, what people fail to put in the fine print is that this doesn’t apply to the mechanics of building a solid businesses structure and creating a sound foundation for your future.

Yes, taking the initial step to venture out on your own is something you should never wait for perfection to pursuit. That being said, it’s highly encouraged that you do create a sound business model and vision for the foundation for your success.

A truly successful business owner has a really good idea of what they want to achieve from their business pursuit. They have a good understanding of what their long term goals are, and most importantly knows how they want their business to be viewed and received by their clients and their industry.

When you’re creating a business that will allow you to live a life with more purpose and more fulfillment then there has to be a great deal of thought, purpose and value put into the business formation. It’s not something you take a quick stab at, throw some things together over a glass of wine and your laptop, and expect that it will withstand all the trials and tribulations as you move forward on the path unknown.

When you’ve aligned everything for your business with who you are, what you’re offering, and what you want to achieve, the success that will follow will not be by chance or by luck. It will be exactly what you need to feel fulfilled.

Click Here for the Free Guide to learn 7 Steps to Creating a More Purposeful Business

Myth #2: A business’s sole purpose is to make money.

Now I can just hear you questioning my thought process here and wondering if I’m one of those crazy people who thinks money is evil and that giving your services away for free is what’s best.

I’ll stop you right there and let you know Absolutely Not! That’s not me. I love money just like everyone else and having it can make your life so much less stressful.  But, I do not let money be the driving force behind how I run my business and it is not my main goal in my day to day dealing with selling my products or offering my services to others.

You see, when you create your business around what you’re truly passionate about, what you strongly believe, and you focus on increasing the value and joy your clients have in their life, something truly magical happens.

For me, my main goal of my business is to bring as much value and change as I can into the lives of all the people I work with. If I have to choice between changing a person’s life or making money, every single time I chose to change a life.

What some people don’t realize is that by adding value, being of service to others and by having a purpose for your business, you are creating something more important and more valuable than money. You are creating an energy around who you are and what you have to offer, and that energy is contagious and that energy becomes a magnet, and that magnet attracts the exact people and the necessary money for you to build your business and achieve the level of financial and personal success that you desire.

Never base your business solely around the money for it will come when you focus on the value.

Myth #3: If I follow the exact path and model that another successful person took I’ll get there too.

If you purchased a program from someone telling you that if you follow their advice and blueprint you can have a life just like theirs, then you’re not alone. I too have purchased one of these only to realize that my ideas and desires don’t fit into their mold. Just this morning while scrolling though my Facebook feed I saw an add that stated something about becoming an “Overnight Success” and claimed to book your schedule full for the year, in less than two week. Now I’m sorry, but there is a very slim chance that all of the people who purchase that program are going to be an overnight success and book their calendar for the year in two weeks. And if they do, is it going to hold true for that entire year?

The main problem with these programs is that they often don’t promote authenticity and creating your own personal touch on the lesson’s, habits or programs they are teaching you to create. The individual doing the teaching has no doubt gained success in their business, but that success came because they were true to who they are, did things that felt right and aligned with their message. All of that allowed them to carve a specify space for themselves in their industry.

When creating a successful business you want to be sure that your purpose is what leads you, and being exactly who you are is what’s going to allow your true self to shine through. Being authentically you is the fastest way you are going to create a following and attract the exact people into your life that need to hear your message.

Success will not come by following exactly what another did, and certainly not modeling their business exactly as it is. Be true to who you are, what you love, and what you have to offer. When you do, the competition will fade away and you will deliver your products in a way that only you can, because there is only one of you.

Myth #4: The harder and more I work the faster I’ll reach success.

Hustle, hustle, hustle!!  Hustle seems to be the new buzz word now. Everyone is hustling to get to where they think they want to be, only to see something new and realize that they want to be somewhere else and so the hustle begins again.

Hustling creates a sense of lack, of grasping, or wanting more. Hustling brings an energy of chaos, of striving, of continuous activity. Hustling keeps you busy, but are you honestly being productive?

Taking focused action steps towards specific plotted goals is not the same as hustling yet it seems to have a stronger, more pronounced outcome. Busy doesn’t always mean productive, and productive is what you need to be when building a business and creating your desired life.

When you take purposeful action in your day you can get more done with simply accomplishing 3 main tasks, than you can get done all day with constant busy work and a flurry of activities.

Release the need to be constantly going.

Allow time for all the important things in your life including the things that have nothing directly to do with your business. When you make time for everything then you become a much more efficient and well rounded person, and you increase the value you deliver to others.

It’s never about working harder. It’s about being calculated in your activities and the schedule you keep so that you are the most productive you can be with the time you have.

Myth #5: I Can’t create a business around the things I love.

One of the biggest misconceptions in society when I was growing up was that you need to get a “real” job in order to be successful. I thought that was starting to fade away till I recently had a conversation with my 15 year old who told me that one of her friend’s parents were refusing to let her go to college for something she truly loved. They told her it wasn’t a respectable job where she would make a lot of money.

You as well might be one of those people who have a limiting belief that there are certain things that just can’t be monetized. I’m here to tell you that that could’t be farther from the truth.

I have an unbendable belief that every single person is here with a specific purpose. That purpose is to be shared with others in the form of your work. Your purpose is something that you are passionate about, that brings a burning energy deep inside of you, and a need to share it with others. When you have a deep seeded passion and an unstoppable desire to share it with others, then how can that not be monetized?

Whether you have a business now or are thinking about creating one in the future I strongly urge you to take a solid look at what you’re passionate about, what brings you joy, what truly lights you up from the inside. Once you know what that is then you have the start of a business and life of unending success.

Never give-up on your dreams!!

Click Here for the Free Guide to learn 7 Steps to Creating a More Purposeful Business

Successful businesses aren’t built to make a quick buck, they aren’t created overnight, and they aren’t easily reproduced over and over again. What they are though is a foundation for a life that will continue to bring you joy, continue to bring you success, and continue to add value to your life and the lives of everyone you work with as you move forward though everything that life has to offer.

I’ve helped to create successful businesses for the past fifteen years and I know what it takes, and what you need to do to make sure that your foundation is strong, your message is true, and your idea of success is in line with what you want. I have created a guide that gives you 7 steps you should take to begin to build a business focused on purpose, value and success.

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