
The Journey Cast By One Small Flower

It’s time to stop trying to control what happens in your life and start practicing the act of allowing.

One of the most important things I’ve done in life, and in turn my business, is to practice the act of allowing. 

When I let down all of my walls, stopped trying to control everything, and gave in to my circumstances I saw things begin to truly change. I began to see a light where it was once dark. I began to see movement where things were once stalled. I began to re-discover who I was, why I was here and what my future would be like. It sometimes takes watching everything fall totally apart in order to watch it come back together beautifully.

Over 2 1/2 years ago I hit the lowest point in my life. I helplessly watched as my entire world crumbled before my eyes and there was nothing I could do about it.

I barely got through each day, just taking one breath at a time till I could get in bed each night, close my eyes, and hope that the world would literally disappear.

I did this for weeks, month really, till the Universe decided that enough was enough.

I remember the first unexplainable sign I received. I had been walking aimlessly around a store for more than an hour; sipping coffee and totally wrapped up in feeling sorry for myself, angry at my circumstances, and broken beyond anyone’s imagination.

After checking out and walking to the car I went to reach into my purse to get my keys when I was stopped dead in my tracks by a small red tissue paper flower. The flower was gently sitting right on the back side of my purse in plain sight. It had not been there less than 2 minutes ago while I was checking out, and it had not been there the multiple times I had looked down at my purse while walking through the store.

As I stood there staring at it a cold chill washed over my body.

Where did it come from? What did it mean? Why was it affecting me this much?


During a time when I could barely focus on anything, was oblivious to the world around me, and everything was a totally blur, I remember that specific day like it was yesterday.

That red flower was the start of many more, hundreds of more, inexplicable signs that there was something greater out there than just what I could see with my eyes. That red flower represented a glimmer of hope, a new found direction and the inspiration I needed to slowly, very slowly, dig myself out of the darkness I had fallen into.

As the days moved forward against my will more signs, signs I could not deny, kept stopping me in my tracks.

What began that late March afternoon in 2014 is a journey I’m still on. It’s a journey that changed my life, and it’s a journey I need to share with others.

That red flower to me represents hope.

Hope that some of my questions could be answered. Hope that things weren’t as they appeared to me then. Hope that I’d be able to feel once again. Hope that I could find a way back to who I was.

The red flower led me down a path to faith.

Faith that no matter how alone I feel, I know it’s just an illusion. Faith that life and everything we see, experience, feel and know never ever ends. Faith that I had the power to begin to rebuild my life, learn, grow, and make myself even better than I once was. The faith that I was going to be fully supported along my journey and it would lead me to where I needed to be.

After many, many, many months, lots of second guessing, lots of doubt, questions and research, ultimately, that red flower brought me towards trust.

Trust that there is way more to life than we see with our three dimensional eyes. Trust that everything happens for a reason, a lesson to be learned and a shift to take place. Trust that I was going to discover exactly who I was and what i was meant to do. Trust that everything would be revealed to me in time.

Most importantly of all, that 2 inch, crumpled up old red tissue paper flower lead me to believe in LOVE.

Love that never goes away. Love that can cross all boundaries. Love that can overcome any hurdle. Love that can last no matter what life throws at it. Love that will continue to live on and find you no matter what the circumstances are.

That single red flower changed my life.

That single red flower reminds me daily of what it brought to my life.

That single red flower, something so small, so non essential, so forgettable, so fragile, held the strongest power in the world, LOVE.


Find your red flower, open your eyes, and begin your journey today. You’ll never regret it.

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