Intuition is Not Just for the Intuitive
What do you think of when you hear the word intuitive?
Most often then not you get an image of a medium, a psychic, or an energy channel. Someone who communicates with deceased loved ones, talks to angels, connects with energetic beings and can predict your future. I know that’s what I use to think of all the time.
But what about Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Oprah, Steven Covey, and all the other extremely successful people who are constantly quoted as saying they follow their intuitive and it leads them where they needed to be?
Are they intuitive? Are they psychics? Maybe.
More and more as time goes bye people are taping into their intuition to get the guidance they need and their questions answered.
Looking back over the years I can see very clearly how following my intuition has helped me. As a young child I was very intuitive. I knew things I shouldn’t have and was always able to read people within the first few seconds of meeting them. And my read was very accurate. I would get thoughts or ideas in my head and I’d play them out over and over again, no matter what I did they would keep coming back. When I followed them they more often than not would work out in my favor.
As I got older however, my intuition faded away. I started to let me “ego” take over my thought patterns. I started to let fear, doubt, self-consciousness and worry override my intuition. As things would come to me I would push them away and worry about what others would think. I would get an idea and not pursue it for fear of failing. I would know exactly what I should be doing but was hesitant in stepping into the unknown. I began focusing on pleasing others and not trusting in myself.
As time went on It didn’t sit well with me, this not listening to myself, to my intuition, to my own innate guidance. I felt like I was living a life I didn’t belong in, like I one day woke up and wondered how I had gotten where I was.
I stopped worry what others thought I should do.
I stopped asking others what I was supposed to do.
I stopped pretending that everything was OK.
I stopped living a life that I didn’t want to be in.
I started listening to my heart.
I started following my own desires.
I started thinking about what I wanted.
I started acting on what I was hearing.
As I began to follow my intuition my life began to change. I began looking forward to what was to come. I was no longer waiting to see what life threw at me but rather eagerly crafting it.
What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was tuning into and allowing myself to be guided by my intuition. I didn’t realize that what I had found was what was always hidden inside, what was there from birth, and what was something no one could ever take away. But I had managed to bury it, to ignore it, and to deny it was even there.
Now I’m not talking about hearing spirits or communicating with passed loved ones, that’s a story for a whole different blog post, but what I am talking about is listening to the guidance that comes from your heart, comes from your soul, and comes from the person you truly are.
You see when we come here to earth to live out our life, we are all equipped with many different tools and gifts to use along the way. One of those gifts is that of our intuition. It’s an internal guidance system that is preprogramed to access everything we are going to need to know as we embark on our journey here in life.
Our intuition not only has the information we need, but it’s always available to us. It’s something that can never be taken away, and it’s something that is always 100% right. You see the information that your intuition holds is energetic in form and it comes from an unlimited source. That source is constantly downloading information to your intuition and all you have to do is learn how to tap into it.
What would it mean to your life is you knew the right path to take?
What would it mean to your business if you knew how to be most successful?
What would it do for you if you could get the answers you needed without having to search, strive or depend on others for them?
For me, it’s totally changed my life. It allows me to follow my purpose, to remove the waste, and to really live a life that I absolutely enjoy, doing the things that bring me the most happiness.
Now don’t get me wrong. Your intuition isn’t going to solve all your problems and it isn’t going to turn a disaster into a beautifully painted picture over night. But what it is going to do is be your guide, be your constant, and be that shining light leading you to where you most want to go.
If you have access to a more fulfilling life, and it resides inside of you, why would you ever decide not to engage with it?
Form the link, build the bridge, and connect with what’s waiting for you. The more you use it, the stronger it gets, and the more you will see your life before you unfold to meet your desires.