Talia Paola Strega

They say the right people enter your life at just the right time. Carrie entered mine when I needed a ray of light and some inspiring motivation. I was at a very low point in my life and someone was kind enough to add me to her group. From the first moment I saw one of her lives, I knew that she would help me a great deal. I’ve never invested on myself. I’ve never worked with a coach and although I had wanted to work with one for a few months, I just couldn’t find anyone who “got me” or my needs. But after 3 months, I’ve bought 3 of her courses, all of which have helped me immensely. Carrie is truly AMAZING! I can already feel a transformation within. She’s very sweet, supportive and genuinely cares about your growth and well- being. I look forward to continuing my journey with her! Thanks Carrie!

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