Crafting Your Dreams
We all have hopes, dreams and ideas for our business and our lives. We think about who we want to become and where we would like to be in the next few week, months, and hopefully even years.
Some of your dreams and ideas you might not share with others, some of them you probably talk about and think about often. You might even share them with the people who mean the most to you, your mastermind group, and many of your business connections. If you’re anything like me and you find yourself constantly in conversations with friendly strangers, you might even share one with a stranger you meet in line for coffee.
I know from my own experience there is never a shortage of things I want to accomplish and see manifested into my life. I seem to always have several different projects going at once and there is never a shortage of ideas just hanging around waiting to be attended to.
I also know there are a lot of you out there who get frustrated with your dreams and ideas. I know that you’ve imagined a situation that you’d hoped would unfold in a certain way, and it didn’t.
I know that at times you’ve pictured things working out or coming about and they never do.
It’s not enough to just have dreams and visions.
In order to manifest and accomplish all that you’ve imagined you need to take daily action steps.
You need to have a plan in place and steps marked out to get to where you want to be. This is the most important part. Don’t just see it, but work towards it.
Here are a few things you can do to begin to work towards your dreams and see them unfold in your life.
1.Get clear on exactly what you want. – Its not enough to just make a blanket statement of what you want. Get clear on the details. Don’t just see what you want, but really feel it in all it’s capacity. How does it look? How does it make you feel? How does it change your life? Map it out right down to the tiniest of details.
2. Reverse Engineer Your Goals – Start with the end goal, your dream, vision or project, and work step-by-step backwards till you get to the very beginning. Once you do, you will have a detailed action plan that you can begin to work steadily through, which will be much smaller goals to work with.
3. Always be taking steps forward. – Never stop working towards what you want. Every day take one to three action steps towards your bigger vision, even if those steps are small. Small is better than nothing. Soon those small steps will get a little bigger, and bigger, till you’re taking huge steps towards the finish line.
Anything you dream of……. anything you think about…….. anything you want in your life……. DOES have the ability to come true.
Never lose sight of the end goal.
Never stop moving forward.
Most important of all, always be willing to bend and sway with the movement of life. There is never a straight line, things are’t always going to look perfect, things will shift and change at times but as long as you are able to shift and change with them, your goals, dreams, and everything you imagined, can all be part of your reality.