Fear Can Not Conquer All
No matter where you look today, the news, the internet, schools, communities, even family dynamics, we are surrounded by anger, engulfed in worry, and consumed by fear.
Angry that people aren’t seeing things our way.
Worried about what our future is going to look like.
Fearing the unknown of what’s going to unfold as we continue to see the same patterns repeating over and over again.
And when anger, worry and fear surround us on a global level, we feel we have no choice but to surrender to them and allow them to penetrate our personal lives as well.
We get angry about our life, how things are playing out, what we can’t accomplish and the satisfaction that constantly evades us.
We worry about our children, our success and the outlook of our future.
And we begin to invite fear into our day, our week, and our entire life.
We fear what we see.
We fear what we hear.
We fear what we think is going to happen.
We fear what others tell us, and we let their opinions, beliefs and judgment overtake our own.
Ultimately, we fear what we do not fully understand.
Learn how to remove fear from your life.
Fear, anger, worry, doubt, they all come from a lack of understanding, a refusal to learn more, a failure to see beyond our own narrow beliefs and judgements, and a desire to remain living in the victimization mindset and role we have comfortably stepped into.
Fear only exists because we let it in. Fear controls our life because we allow it to. Fear consumes our actions, our thoughts and any chance of a better future because we continue to make it the center of our world.
But what if we stopped?
What if for just one moment we let it go?
What if for one day we refused to let it dominate our life?
What if we stopped seeing fear, feeling fear, and expecting the worst?
What if we stopped projecting it on others?
What if for just one day it didn’t exist?
What if for just that single day we focused on the one things that’s more powerful than fear…….
The love that you feel for the things that you have.
The love that you feel for the things that you enjoy.
The love that you feel for your family, children, partner and friends.
But…… It’s also so much more than that.
It’s not just the love you feel in your heart. No, this love you feel in your entire body. It encompasses your body, radiates through you, extends out around you, and spreads across your entire life.Â
It’s the love that exits around ALL of us.
The love that’s available at all times.
It has no judgements.
It plays no favorites.
It leaves no one out.
It’s able to look past the physical characteristics and see things for what they truly are.
It looks at differences and embraces them.
It hears your opinions and accepts them.
It understands your beliefs and acknowledges them.
It’s able to clearly see the bigger picture and relish in it.
This is no ordinary love.
This is Divine, Pure, Unconditional LOVE.
Explore the power of LOVE
It’s the love that has the power to shift our views, to mend our arguments and change the world.
It’s the love that has the power to heal the broken, to uplift the fallen, to make right on disagreements and to empower the weak.
It’s the love that exists when nothing else remains.
When this love is present, fear can not exist.
When we allow this love to encompass our life the worry fades away, the anger recedes and the doubt shifts to HOPE.
This love has the power to mend disagreements.
It has the power to end wars.
It has the power to unify humanity.
It has the power to transform our entire future.
But we have to let it in. We have to allow it to be present in our lives. We, as the people responsible for this world, have to initiate the process. We can’t expect it to do it on it’s own. We can’t depend on others to change their ways first. WE have to decide right now that we’re worth it. That our children are worth it, that our future is worth it.
We have to put everything that’s destroying us, our families, our communities, our nation and the entire world aside, and focus on just one thing.
My future is worth it.
My children’s future is worth it.
Is Yours?
Beautiful.. if more of us could live this message truly!
Thank you so much! I do as well!
YES! SO worth it. This it IT. Love is everything. Thanks for this beautiful piece, Carrie.
Ahhh so amazing Carrie!! Resonates so much… I do my best to live and breathe this message everyday. xoxo
Wow Carrie! Yes Love, it is.
Thank you for sharing and it so resonates with me on many levels.
I had my own NDE 3 years ago during my 2nd pregnancy…..I believe our guides/Angels/God brings us closer to our higher purpose from victim to a healer mode and finally embracing love unconditionally love than living in fear/anger.
I share my Reiki Love globally monthly now along Holistic Health & Angelic Reiki Coaching (left my 15 yrs of Corporate Job and living my purpose 🙂