When There’s Nothing Left To Do, You Find Your Purpose

I can remember waking up day after day wondering why I was even bothering getting up, getting dressed and going into work.

I remember thinking what was the point of doing what I was doing.

What was the reason for working so many hours?

What was the point of being exhausted all the time, feeling unhappy, and not being appreciated for all that I did?

I remember thinking that the only reason I was doing what I was doing any longer was to just make a paycheck, to pay bills and buy more things. Things that no longer had a meaning to me. Things that I knew weren’t making me happy, weren’t making my life any better, and certainly weren’t fixing any of my problems.

And I remember questioning something even much bigger than myself and what I knew as life.

I remember questioning why we were even here to begin with. Wondering why we are put through the struggles, the challengers, the heartache and grief that I had so often faced in life.

I remember being so angry.

Angry that it felt like I had no control over my life. Angry that in a split second everything I had in my life, every dream I had hoped would come true, and every normalcy I depended on, could be totally turned upside down and ripped out of my life.

You see when everything in your life all comes crashing down around you, you start to shut down to the mundane happenings of the world. You start to refuse to just exist among the masses. You begin to realize that everything you thought was so important, everything that so many people think matters, no longer holds any meaning what so ever.

And you begin to question everything.

You begin to NEED to know more.

You begin to demand answers that no one can possible give to you.

You begin a journey of discovery of who you are and why you’re here.

For me this began happening in the months that followed the passing of my soul mate. In the darkest days of my life so far, once the fog in my head began to lift just the tinniest bit and I could form a cohesive thought, I began to wonder why.

Why was I here.

Why had I faced so many struggles?

Why had everything I had built and worked for suddenly been taken away?

What was the point of any of this?

What was the purpose of my life here?

What was the purpose of anyone’s life here?

And once these questions began to come, they didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop asking myself what all of this was supposed to prove. I couldn’t stop wondering what else there was. I couldn’t stop questioning if there was something so much bigger than what I knew and if so, what was it.

To hear more about my story I invite you to listen to my podcast.

In the months following the death of my love I began a journey of discovery. A journey of uncovering not just why we are here, but so much more.

A journey to find the answers to all the questions I had been asking myself about life, death, love, me, and what I was even meant to do with the rest of my life.

That journey was one of the most amazing times of my life.

That journey truly changed who I was, what I thought, how I lived my life and what I had believed up till that point.

Those months, years of my life, even to this day right here, allowed to me better understand why I was here and what I was supposed to be doing.

That journey helped me to discover my purpose.

My purpose for living, my purpose for being here and my purpose for helping others.

You see, what I learned during the first part of my journey was that each of us living here on earth right now, has a very specific purpose.

We have a purpose we are meant to discover, meant to start living and meant to share with others.

That purpose, along with the lessons we are meant to learn, the people we are destined to meet, and the blessings we are encouraged to receive, is the whole reason for living. It’s the whole point of being in this life we are living right here, right now.

Your purpose is the biggest WHY for your life. It’s what you’re meant to do, and what you’re meant to share with others. When you find out what it is, and you start to live it, it has the power to change everything about you, your life and the people you connect with.

Your purpose had the power to allow you to feel complete, feel fulfilled, and feel like life is worth living.

It brings you satisfaction, the feeling of accomplishment, and the desire to get up every single day with a true PASSION for what you’re doing and who you are being in your life.

Finding my purpose has brought a whole other level of living into my life again.

It’s lifted the darkness, eased the pain, and brought joy, happiness and pure love back into my world.

To hear more about what a purpose is listen to the podcast.

Finding my purpose has given me a much bigger reason for living that can now never be taken away from me. It’s brought a whole deeper understanding and acceptance for who I am, who you are, and what all of the chaos, the struggles and the tragedies mean.

My journey to my purpose started because I had hit rock bottom and my entire world fell apart around me. It started because I no longer had the ability to see my future. Because I had reached a point that I didn’t see any reason to go on.

But it doesn’t have to be a tragic event to to wake you up and make you question what you’re doing. It doesn’t have to be the loss of a loved one, a house, a job or your financial security. 

The sad part is that often times it is. So often we don’t truly open our eyes till we have no other option left to us. We don’t think about finding our purpose till there is nothing left to find. We don’t think about taking care of ourselves, questioning what everything means and really digging deep into the meaning of life till the meaning is almost totally gone.

I want people to start looking at their life right now. I want people to begin to question everything they do, experience, have and want, and really ask themselves if that brings them happiness. If that brings them satisfaction. If that brings them a feeling of fulfilled, completion and PURPOSE.

Because if not, and I’m willing to guess that for a lot of us it doesn’t, then why are you still living like that?

Please don’t wait till you are forced to find more meaning. Please don’t wait till you have nowhere else to turn. Please don’t wait till you are no longer interested in your life to realize that it’s time to look for more.


To learn more about your purpose listen now!

You see, the thing with your purpose, with your soul purpose, is that things in your life are going to continue to feel wrong, continue to be unfulfilling, continue to get worse, till you decide to give it the attention it needs and the attention it deserves. Till you decide that you are going to figure out WHAT it is that you need to be doing, that you have to be doing while you live this life here on earth.

Your soul purpose is not going to ever go away. It’s not going to stop making you feel incomplete, making you want to know more, till you open your eyes and discover what it is.

Your purpose is going to keep trying to grab your attention, shake your life up, and really make itself known till you decide it’s time to acknowledge and accept it.

So isn’t it time you allowed yourself to discover exactly what your purpose is?

If you're ready to Discover Your Purpose then I invite you to join me in a FREE 5 Day Challenge right now!

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