You Do Create Your Life
It doesn’t matter how many tools, tricks, life hacks, or resources people use. There is none as useful as the power of the mind.
Your mind can be a crazy thing at times. Jumping from thought to thought, direction to direction, and dream up the wildest ideas. But when you learn to harness it’s power, it’s ability to create and to manifest becomes unlimited.
Let’s take right now for example. Stop for a minute and just sit quietly.
Clear your thoughts.
Still your mind.
Just sit………..
Hey, welcome back.
How long were you able to keep a single thought from entering your mind? Five minutes, 2 minutes, 30 seconds?
I’m willing to bet, that if you’re like most people, it was only a matter of seconds before you stared thinking again. Maybe wondering what I was going to say, how long you were supposed to sit, or if it was even a true suggestion at all.
That’s the problem with our minds. They have become so consumed with everything we have going on, everything we want to do, our worries, our fears, our daily schedules, the grocery list, feeding the cat, the list goes on and on.Â
We have stopped using them as a tool and started using them as a memory bank, as a dream killer, as a growth limiter and as a never ending reminder of all the things we still have left to do on our plate.
Your mind has the ability to do amazing things.
Your mind has the ability to create anything you want.
Your mind has the ability to be your most trusted partner, your biggest supporter, and your number one business tool, if you learn how to use it correctly.
So the questions remains. Why don’t we use our minds like we should?
Most people don’t know how because they were never taught. We focus so much attention on filling our minds with knowledge, some that we will never use again, some that is useless and most that can be attained by simply logging on to the internet and typing in a question.
What society today is focused on is not what is benefiting us the most, but rather what is actually limiting us the most.
Imagine what would happen if we taught our children to silence their minds.
Imagine what would happen if we taught children how to control their thoughts, how to limit the worry, how to remove the fear, and how to focus their attention on the things they wanted, instead of the things they didn’t want.
Studies today show that we use a very small percentage of our brains. Imagine if we tapped into more? Imagine if we increased that amount even just a little?
What you need to start understanding is that the brain and it’s ability to create the life that you want to live, is unlimited.
Lets take just your common day thoughts for example. Have you ever thought about how much you didn’t want something to happen? I’m sure a thought like this has popped up at least once of twice during your day. What happens with that thought?
If you’re like most people, it begins to get more frequent, it begins to get bigger, and it begins to illicit your emotions. Your fears start to kick in, your body begins to physically react, and your mind can literally become like a Saturday night horror movie playing scene after scene after scene of all the bad things that will come.
Now let’s say you let that go on for days, weeks, even months. It doesn’t even have to be all the time, and it’s not at first, but as the days move on, the frequency of this episode picks up and gets stronger and stronger as time goes on.
Pretty soon your thoughts, those fears that have been running rampant, those horror movie scenarios that you have been crafting, begin to appear in your life.
The bad news you were expecting shows up, the promotion you wanted falls through, that bill you were waiting on is bigger than expected, and things just keep getting worse and worse and worse.
If you didn’t know better you would say that you created all of it.
Wait a minute……… YOU DID.
You created your life, you shaped your future, and you manifested exactly the situations that appeared in your life.
You see, the power of your mind is that unlike any other that exists on earth. The power of your mind can shape your world, can change your life, and can do almost anything you ask of it. The trick is to understand how.
One of the things you are taught in school is that everything is energy. So not just the trees and the animals, but your thoughts, your words, and definitely your emotions. What they also teach you is that energy can never be created or destroyed, and it is constantly attracting like things unto itself.
So let’s think about this…….. If everything is energy, and energy is always attracting things that are a match to it, and your thoughts are energy too, then your thoughts are attracting more of what you are thinking, and bring it directly back to you!
WOW….. Think about that.
When your mind sends out any type of thought, no matter if it’s a desire, a fear, a worry or a mundane task, it carries an energy with it out into the Universe. That energy attracts everything that is a match to it, and brings it right back to you.
This is what is called the Law of Attraction. This is what is called manifesting. This is what you are failing to use, every single day, to your benefit.
The power of your mind is so big that it can literally shape your world. It can be used to create the situations you wish to see, the circumstances you need, and the life you desire to live. The only thing you need to do is to learn how to control it.
Imagine for a minute if everything you thought about began to come true. Imagine that wherever your thoughts lead, your life would soon follow.
What would you change about your thoughts?
What would you do to be able to harness that power?
What would you want to create?
When you understand that your mind is one of the most powerful tools that you can use, your world will literally begin to change before your eyes. You’ll focus your thoughts on what you want. You’ll learn to remove the ones you don’t. You’ll be sure to control your emotions and begin to feel exactly what brings you hope, what brings you joy, and what brings you love. You will become more purposeful, your actions will become calculated, and your life will begin to flow with an ease that allows for manifesting to work at it’s greatest level.
All of this can begin to happen today. You can begin to create your life, create what you want, create what you love and it can start right now. I have created a FREE Manifesting Guide that will give you the six most important steps to manifesting.
Stop letting your thoughts control your life, and start letting the power of your mind work for you!
That’s way the bestset answer so far!